
18 April 2013

Between Love and Hate (The Strokes)

Let's start at the beginning (Please note that this is LONG AS FUCK, but lightly dusted with humour amongst the OMG WHY DON'T HE LOVE ME WAAAHHHHWAHWAH)

I never considered myself pretty at school. At the playground, my best friend quizzed the 2 males in my year (an insanely small school, not a bizarre womens colony) who they'd rather 'go out with'. She had fantastic brown hair, golden skin, and I was a pale mess on the side in thick round glasses. I don't blame them, especially when the pressure of a pretty girl asking if you found her attractive is that traumatising.

So I had it in my head that I wasn't anything extraordinary, and I'd read Roald Dahl so I knew that a smile was all I needed to not be 'ugly'. On came middle school, and boys from different villages! Does it sound like I live in Middle Earth? Not far off actually.
A boy sent me a note asking if I'd be his girlfriend. He was a lacky for the popular kids, and my natural distrust of anyone thinking they could be better than their peers kicked in. I agreed, we sat on the school bus home, but the next day when he boarded the bus I hid on the floor and shouted "I don't want to be your girlfriend!"

From that shaky start came crushes at high school but I still had no confidence. Acne had set in and even if a genuine offer came I would have laughed it off. I went to prom stag, it was all very predictable, and to be honest it made no difference to my life not having a relationship until I was 18.

During college, I was infatuated with a boy. We spoke on MSN, he went to a different school but there were mutual friends. I thought we had enough in common for it to be 'the real thing', but all that really entailed was a SUPER compatibility on  I trailed after him for months, which with hindsight is a bit of a trademark for me. Went to shitty gigs in community halls, travelled by myself to gigs in London, and just did a very convincing impression of a stalker. It came to a tragic end when we finally slept together, my first time, after a night out in Brighton, and I threw up during foreplay (not in the room)

Just take a moment to soak up all the classy readers.

The morning after, I was picked up by my dad, went to my job in a cafe, and got home to a message from my best friend saying he'd been seeing someone else. Why this came as such a shock I'm still unsure, but I'd created a scenario where us doing the no pants dance meant we would be 'official'. Naive, but I didn't know any better.

After that came an actual boyfriend. He was just as awkward as I am, and it actually worked. We were sickening, with matching phone backgrounds of us cuddling. It was a great summer together, going to parties and hanging out with friends. I moved to Portsmouth and he would drive from Redhill after work to see me. I didn't know anyone when I moved so those visits were the highlight of my weeks, but I should have been out trying to meet new friends. I didn't have anything to show him, we could have explored this new city together but instead, I just locked myself in my room. If I had any regrets about that relationship, it would be that I could have been so much more fun, but I didn't know what I was doing, and certainly I didn't know how to include someone else into whatever it was.
It ended 3 days before Christmas. I joined his family on a trip to London and he tried his best to ignore me. I invited him to a gig at The Prince Albert where I bounced about and headbanged to Random Hand and he lurked by the merch table, motionless.
Apparently I was 'too emotionally stunted', and I can understand that assessment. I got hit by a car and didn't say anything til he came to see me. I was so afraid of being clingy that I didn't depend on him for anything.

I was single for about 2 months, then I met the next boy. I had gatecrashed a social for a course similar to mine. He had seen the Brand New tattoo on my wrist and that was enough. I still didn't know what I was doing, so when he pursued me for a short time, I gave in. It lasted 18 months, and I was happy for that entire time. Again, I don't regret the time we spent together, but perhaps we were both scarred from life before, and we blamed each other for it ending.
In second year, we lived within about 20 houses of each other. I didn't know how to be friends with my flatmate so I just went to his house, even if he wasn't there. His best friends became my close friends, we spent far too much time getting high, and I didn't notice that I was becoming a unofficial, unwanted housemate. We split up, but within a week he said he missed me. I got drunk on snake bite, and we ended up back together. I should have known that it wasn't a good idea, but I didn't know how to be alone.

After a month, I was sick of it. I knew that it would never go further than this, despite us both saying that we were perfect for each other. We knew it was dead in the water but no one wanted to say it. In the end, I went on a gin fuelled adventure on a boat til 5am, fell asleep at home, and when he rang my doorbell 3 hours later, my contact lenses were sticking to my eyeballs and I was still a bit drunk. He was angry, seething, I could see it, but all I could do was blurt "I don't want to be with you."
It was not an amicable break up. He called me some very unpleasant things, and still does. I wrote a very passive agressive things on tumblr. We can't really go back from that.

From there, there were more crushes, but nothing serious. I was finally at home in the city I lived in. I had 2 great jobs, with great people, I bumped into the uni ex a couple times and he said some snide things but it was to be expected. I spent a couple summers being single and loved it.

There was a boy, only a year my senior but he certainly didn't look it. I fell for him instantly. I never made a move because I thought I never had a chance. I don't really believe in people being out of someones league, but I do believe that someone can not even register in a romantic or sexual column in the great spreadsheet of life.
So there I was, totally enamoured, but I didn't bother chasing him. Turns out he was just as awkward as me. Funny that. The only problem is, he can only overcome that with the help of his friend Jack Daniels. I never want to stop someone drinking, I never want to change anyone for my benefit, but it became something that I questioned. Is he only interested because he is drunk? That's not a question you want to ask yourself. I couldn't communicate with him because I convinced myself I was just bothering him.
We hooked up a couple times, and it was great. Until he told my ex boss, who was like my Southsea Dad. I forgave him, despite him not knowing I was angry in the first place. Then I moved away, and it doesn't seem worth pursuing anymore. I was warned that it wouldn't work out by a few people that knew us both, but wishful thinking got the better of me. Never say never, let's put a star shaped drawing pin and that one and label it "Maybe if we both grow up."

And now, the final destination in the whistle stop tour of boys that made me go a bit mental in the brain. The one I could never quite work out. As I became more and more comfortable in Southsea, I worked in a local pub, I was getting involved in the #southsea scene. Stumbling across a 'night' at The Edge of the Wedge that was so up my musical street I got a bit fanatical. I got a Friday night off work and went with a friend. It was completely dead. The only people there were the bar staff, the DJ and a group of really drunk middle-aged people. At least the music was good. I went a couple more times after work. I smiled at the DJ because we'd spoken on Twitter but I didn't want to go and introduce myself with a twitter handle. Accidental flirting gets you everywhere, bare that in mind. We had mutual friends so the more I went, the more likely I was to end up at the barrier, saying hello and trying to not dance like a prick. I ended up staying after the kick out one evening, and then we ended up going back to mine. I didn't want to look like a groupie, but I think I became one. It was meant to be secretive but I didn't know that was the case. We spent hours texting, becoming really good friends. It got a bit messy, a bit teenage drama. I can't pinpoint when it all went south, but when it went it completely nosedive crashed into a nuclear weapons factory, with an ACME TNT storage unit next door. I didn't want to be an emotional mess, so instead of getting angry, I just let it drift past me. I complained to friends, but I never explained to him. At that point, I hadn't had anything too complicated in my previous breakups. It was always for a reason, even though I didn't realise at the time. This didn't have the label of a relationship, it certainly wasn't a relationship, but the friendship was mixed in with a bit of chemistry and I didn't know how to deal with it.
He made me go a bit stupid girl, like some of the other significant boys before. We had some deep and meaningful chats, and I was assured I was excellent and cool, and I believed him. Until he left, and I began to question everything he said. I don't know. Some things are just too complicated to work, and when you mix two people with mixed up hearts, the chance of it working out is very slim.

The theme with all of these significant boy shaped disasters is that I always tried to be what they wanted. Despite them falling for who I am, I always tried to better that. Which is stupid, don't do it. It's also exhausting, and devastating when, after all that effort you're still left alone.
It's always better to be alone and happy with who you are, and I genuinely think I am happy with who I have become. I am still outrageously bad at talking about my feelings, but I don't think that will ever change. I don't think I have time to try and include someone else into my odd little routine. Maybe I just don't want to because I don't want the messy shitstorm when it all goes wrong. Perhaps I am bored of being by myself, but I don't want someone to call me their girlfriend. Growing up happens too fast, I don't know what I want and I don't want to be defined. I just want to go on an adventure, and have someone to say "Hey check out this awesome shit I did today!" to occasionally, and then they can reply with "Hey that is pretty awesome, look at this mad headfuckery I did!"
And then we would get a dog and listen to music until our ears bleed.

TL;DR I don't know what the fuck is going on, but at least I've had sex so I must have accidentally trapped the above men in my mad bitch web long enough for that to happen, HIGH FIVE.

Twenty-Obscene (2013)

OH, I forgot this even existed! I'd like to say I've changed drastically, but aren't we always a slightly, hopefully, improved version of last years model? Like a Gameboy Pocket, or the fancy camera and printer additions that seemed so exotic 10 years ago and now kids have their own touchscreen laptops.

I think I'll make this into a little life blog. Periodically I'll be type-vomiting as much embarrassing fake teen angst as possible on here, and hoping nobody reads it for a couple of years, maybe by then I'll be laughing too.

So, update time: I dropped out of Uni and lied about it. Thats probably the biggest and dumbest thing I've ever done, and not something I'd reccommend to anyone ever in the history of humanity, past, present and future. If something isn't working for you, you must make a choice to stick it out or give up, but don't fool yourself. You know what is right, and you'll know when you made the wrong choice, but don't let anyone else force their expectations on you.

So I lived in Southsea for 18 months after quitting uni, working full time, telling some friends the truth, telling the rest many months later when I got drunk on a staff night out. Its become a bit of a joke really, my actual life and the life I projected. Now, I've moved back to my parents deep in the Sussex countryside. It isn't the worst but safe to say, I miss my independence. I have read articles about establishing an adult relationship with your parents if you have to move back 'home' but really, I'm not the talking type. So instead, I'm gradually reverting further into a teenage stereotype of dispair because 'I can't be myself' and its suffocating.

I have a full time job at Bill's, where I can progress career wise, they encourage individuality, and the people are truly fantastic.
I'm also an aspiring rollergirl, so every Tuesday I travel back to Portsmouth for 2 hours of recreational skating, and I spend far too much time trying to justify spending money on wheels and pads. Finally, I have found a sport I adore, with a homegrown ethic and a dash of punk. Plus I get to wear knee high socks and hotpants without anyone questioning my physique, win.

So now I could be classed as grown up, the plan is to move out, London or Hove, maybe down to Bristol or up North? I haven't thought that far ahead. I still need to buy a car, luckily insurance is pretty reasonable, just need to snap up a little bean can (Wombats fans, holla at me).
What else? Is there anything else? Oh and I'll do a post on my heart woes very soon, because they are ACTUALLY LAUGHABLE.


3 February 2011

My boyfriend is cooler than everyone

Seriously, such a hero

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

26 January 2011

You Only Live Once

I spent my afternoon hanging out with my mum, drinking tea, talking about past friends, past loves (Mama Boo dated the guy who sang Hot Hot Hot!), and looking at houses for next year at Uni.

After finding some sketchy numbers and some fantastic deals, £11 a week anyone?! I got to thinking about when I have a place of my own. In the current financial climate, it may not ever happen, but a girl can dream can't she?
I was emailed by a partner of my Uni about the new development by Portsmouth Football Ground, Vista. Outside looks like a block of Halls, turquoise and pretty horrible looking. Inside, it's just standard white walls and neutral carpet. The email was a suggestion that your parents buy a flat as an investment, for the son/daughter to use in term time, and theirs for a holiday apartment. It said it was a 'sea-view holiday home', but what they really meant was rail tracks, ASDA Fratton, and the UKs biggest B&Q. If they were being realistic, nobody can afford to buy a flat with CASH, cash?! Who has a spare hundred grand stashed under the bed?!

Country Living
It may just be because I'm a poor student who has no savings, but the idea of having my own little place sounds like a modern fairy tale. I couldn't care less if it was next to a crack den, and my garden had the scent of fried chicken. I would fill the garden with roses and daisies, have lanterns and mason jars on the tables.

Jane Goble has been my inspiration for quite a few years. We may be entirely different but her little house in Devon looks like heaven to me. From the age of eight, I have spent time with friends getting huge pieces of paper and drawing a dissection of my perfect house. Though theirs were often huge mansions with home cinemas and luxurious bedrooms, mine were always pokey three story terraces, with climbing roses out front, and claw foot tubs.

Both from Posy
Jane is a teacher, like I someday hope to be, and her home is full to the brim with the sweetest trinkets and beautiful throughout. She has mastered the sander, and paints everything from floors to bedside tables. It looks so cosy and homey, everything I want in my eventual little nest.

If you are feeling inspired to poke through other bloggers homes, here are a few of my favourites:
Elsie's Home Decor @ A Beautiful Mess
Gala's Interiors Pinterest
Kaelah's Home Tour (1 of 3)
*If anyone has any suggestions, I will be adding to this constantly! And adding my home room and uni room in the morning*

I feel like 20 is too young to have such a dream, but doesn't anyone else feel like once you have your own place, decorated to your taste, everything else could fall into place? You could throw outlandish parties one day and have a night in with your bestest and a bottle of summinsummin.
Infact, even if my life was a shambles and all I had were my family and my little house, I think I could at least survive. Everybody needs a space to call their own. I am quite content to lounge by myself for days, as I said before. Other people cannot survive without constant social interaction, and don't get me wrong, I am not some kind of social leper! I enjoy my own company, and I am the absolute worst at texting people back. That has lost me one friend in particular, but I don't want to change my character to keep anyone else happy, if I had to sacrifice who I am.

I have been lucky enough to grow up in a quiet village, in an old farmhouse. My parents bought it 27 years ago, and I could never imagine it being anybody elses home. Yeah, the walls are wonky and the doors fill the back hall with the most ridiculous draught, but every crack in the floor tiles makes it ours. It even has a secret door! Bricked up, but secret nonetheless!

What would make your dream home? And where would it be; country, city, where you grew up or the other side of the world? Did you stay in the same house for your childhood, or have you lived all over the country, even in different countries? Let me know!

4 January 2011

two thousand and heaven

In the style of my favourite full-time blogger, Gala Darling, I'm planning on making this the year of over the top, outlandish decadent style. But it isn't all about looking like a glamourous grandma, this year is also about fufilling my potential by making a few small, key changes.
So here it is, my plan for 2011:

Go to America with my boyfriend! I've been excited about this since July, when we decided on a whim, that we would go to San Diego Comic Con together. Hearing about all of the big film releases, and opportunities to meet one of my favourite British directors at a preview made me want to commit heinous crimes to get over there. I'm incredibly happy to settle for New York instead, in fact, anywhere would be lovely, and I should certainly start saving towards flights.

Speaking of saving, I'm planning on buying myself an iPhone outright within the month. After a complete disaster with O2/DHL over the last month and a half, I am giving up on technology! My iPod touch gave up the ghost today, after not touching it for 5 hours (?!) so sooner the better really!

Make an effort with friends, new and old. I am incredibly apt to just not talk, I have an interesting mix of crippling shyness and social confidence! I can get talking to strangers if I want to, but if I'm not in the mood, I won't talk to anyone I know for weeks. I made hardly any friends independently last year at Uni, but now I'm going to pull my finger out and force myself upon people, for the good of my relationship! I know that sounds ridiculous, but one day I shall explain.

I want to be organised! I'm a Virgo, so by horological nature I should be the most frustratingly organised person in the world, but really? I have bursts of hyper-tidying, and then long, languishing periods where I could wallow in a bed-sit of filth for weeks. I want to have an Ikea wardrobe where every little thing has it's exact place, and everything is neat and packed away and nobody is allowed to touch a thing!

I want to take my driving test, and get a Fiat 500. The car is optional, of course. I have been in a state where I could have taken my test and passed for the last 2 years, but just haven't organised it/had my paper counterpart. I need to pass it! I don't care that the only car I can drive is my mums VW estate, where is you open the petrol cap, the windscreen wipers go off and continue to go off for the rest of the day (this is not an exaggeration, I will video it)

I want clear skin! I have been on acne medication for 4 years, and I am so tired of not having that perfect month, without a single flare up. I'm 20, and I feel like this shouldn't be on my wish list, but I want clear skin so badly! It's improved infinitely since my teenage years, but the second I find something that works, I am going to buy shares and give it to every human with a dermatology appointment! I have spent HOURS looking up treatments, slathering on prescription gels, having my skin peel off, taking tablets, pills, and blood tests.
If anything comes out of this blog, I want someone out there, who is just like me, to feel like they aren't alone!

As for my style, check out Gossip Girl on Acid and Psychedelic Ladies Who Lunch, even though they are a year out, I still find them an inspiration! False eyelashes everyday, coloured extensions, teacups with pearls spilling out, stockings and Doc Martens.

29 December 2010

As dust dances

Hi all! I probably should introduce myself. I'm Emma, I'm 20, and I come from West Sussex, and I take Media Studies at University of Portsmouth

I am terrible at sticking to things, and usually like to do everything on the day of a deadline, be it birthday presents or essays! I had a dream of becoming a Journalist but my lack of motivation makes it hard to get articles written before they are due!

I am, on the other hand, a dedicated follower of fashion (Kinks reference, for free, enjoy!) so I'm hoping a blog will encourage me to style some things everyday. I'm also a big beauty spender. Boots is my wages downfall. It's really terrible, but I love getting all made up.

Other than that, I'll be doing film and product reviews, advice if anyone asks, whatever I can think of really!